My name is Amber, and this is my travel blog! I started doing a blog for friends and family to keep them updated on all of my adventures.
I am fairly new to the world of travel, and once the travel bug bit, that was the end for me. My journey started in New Zealand in 2013. Yes, that’s right, New Zealand. I’d won an award at my company and it gave me an extra week’s vacation and points that I could redeem toward travel. I don’t remember now how I stumbled across Contiki, but I did! And then it was where do I go? Since I’m a bit of a Tolkien and Peter Jackson nerd, I ended up settling on this stunning beautiful country.
There is no better travel quote for me than “Not all those who wander are lost.” Those words ring so true each and every time the wheels go up and I get to explore a brand new place. I am never more alive than when I am exploring a street in a new city in a new country.
I hope that you enjoy my blog and my travel adventures. Feel free to leave comments on my posts and follow along as I check off one more place from my lonnnnnnnng travel bucket list.